Key Information
Our main discipline is Small Bore Rifle. The main event is our Indoor Grand Prix series which comprises 5 GPs, held across Scotland through the winter and early spring. We also have our Indoor Championship, held at a neutral range and concluding with a head-to-head final for the Championship title, and the Outdoor Championship which is held at Aberdeen’s Denwood Ranges each year. This comprises shoots at 50m and 100 yards distances, as well as a match on electronic targets, and runs concurrently with the Annual Ball and Prizegiving event. We also hold a Postal League to allow students to participate from their home range! Many Scottish Students also take part in matches outside the University circuit, both across Scotland and the wider UK.
Have a chat with your Sports Rep or Fixtures Administrator for more details and to enter!
Sport Chair: Aleyna Kartal
Governing Body: Scottish Target Shooting
Upcoming Rifle Events
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Meet your Sports Chair
Aleyna Kartal
SS Rifle have recently selected a new chair Aleyna Kartal, Aleyna is an Edinburgh university based student and is being supported by Joshua Mitchell in the 2024/25 Season.
Scottish Student Rifle Development Group
Aleyna is supported by Vice-Chair, Joshua Mitchell