Wednesday 1st February 2023

Getting To Know Golf

Want to know more about Golf before joining a society? Here’s a quick overview of the sport and what SSS has to offer.

Golf Image

One of the world’s most beloved sports, Golf has become popular as a calming game which is suitable for all ages. The game is believed to have been invented in 15th Century Scotland, with St. Andrews hosting the world’s oldest Golf course. Since then, the game has become a worldwide phenomenon, being enjoyed by amateurs and professionals alike across the globe.

While there are many variations, the traditional rules of golf see a player attempting to hit their golf ball (known as strokes) into a designated hole. A course will consist of eighteen holes, each of which is played separately with players occupying different holes simultaneously. Each hole will have a Par number. This is the number of strokes a player is allowed without penalty. For example, if a hole is a Par 4 and a player takes five strokes, their score for that hole will be +1 as they took one more stroke than allowed. However, if a player uses fewer strokes, they will get a minus score. In this example, if a player manages to sink the ball into the hole within three strokes, they will get a -1 score. Different scores in golf are allocated different names, such as:

One Shot – Hole in One

-4 – Condor

-3 – Albatross/Double Eagle

-2 – Eagle

-1 – Birdie

0 – Par

+1 – Bogey

+2 – Double Bogey

+3 – Triple Bogey

+4 – Quadruple Bogey


The winner is determined by the player with the lowest aggregate score across all holes. There are many terrains that can make up a Golf course. There’s the Green, Rough, Out of Bounds, Bunker and Water. The Green contains short grass and is the most optimal surface to play on. The Rough is, as the name implies, a rougher area of the course with longer grass. The Bunker is a pit of sand which is the most difficult surface to hit the ball out of. If a player hits a Golf ball into water that’s too deep to play out of, they will receive a penalty and will continue play from where they took their initial shot. Out of Bounds is the area beyond the course. If a player hits the ball outside of the course, they will receive a penalty and will continue play from where they took their initial shot, much like hitting a ball into water.

Scottish Student Sport hosts the Scottish Student Golf Championship and the West of Scotland Golf Trophy. This year marks the 99th Scottish Student Golf Championship and will take place in Lossie. These events are available to applicants, with further information found here:

If you are interested in joining a golf club/society, click the links below:


Abertay University:

Edinburgh College:

Heriot Watt University:



University of Aberdeen:

University of Dundee:

University of Edinburgh:

University of Glasgow:

University of St. Andrews:

University of Stirling:

University of Strathclyde:


Sports Chair: Vacant –

Governing Body: Scottish Golf –