Friday 4th October 2024

SS Football – Men’s National Squad Trial #1

University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA

We are pleased to announce SS Football is back with the National Squad for the 24/25 season. Building on the foundations which were re-laid last season after a hiatus over the COVID-19 period, we are looking to make the programme bigger and better this year. Nominations are now closed (as of 23/10) and we will not be considering any further nominations at this time.

The trial dates are as follows:

Trial #1 – Sunday 3rd November at University of Stirling

Trial #2 – Sunday 10th November at University of Stirling

Further details and timings will be shared with the nominated players in due course. For any other queries, please contact Sean Berthelsen, SSS Competitions Assistant at Good luck to all nominated players!